WEESMS – Women’s Economic Empowerment through Strengthening Market Systems in Bangladesh
WEESMS Objective: Promote women’s entrepreneurship and strengthen the enabling environment for women to access formal and informal productive employment opportunities in Rangur and Khulna divisions, Bangladesh.
Assessment visit in July 2019 for the program Women’s Economic Empowerment through Strengthening Market Systems (WEESMS) financed by SIDA (swedish international development agency) implemented by the organisation iDE Bangladesh.
The project had a focus on home textiles, jute diversified products. Form – nomad studio were there to:
1. Assess the design needs of the rural SMEs;
2. New product development and design using locally available raw materials;
3. Understanding of market trends for the local, regional and international export markets; and
4. Branding and market readiness of the products
5. Final report about the insights and proposal for development.